A Search on YouTube: The Best Wrestling Matches You Can Find Part. 1

Wrestling is more than just the WWE

Kurt Angle (champion) vs Bobby Roode TNA Bound for Glory 2011

Kurt Angle is still at his best in this match as Bobby Roode tries to take the title off of Angle. Roode was riding high on a wave of popularity — a wave that has now led him to WWE NXT.

This match had many different moments with one of the biggest being Kurt Angle going for a move off the top rope — after hitting Roode with a series of suplexes — only to be thrown off by the top rope backward by Roode. I was very surprised by the move and thought about the possibility of Angle breaking his neck. Check out the match below.

Bryan Danielson vs Tyler Black Ring of Honor

In a match of before they were SuperStars, Bryan Danielson, and Tyler Black go toe-to-toe. When you pit two of the best in the business together, you are sure to get a classic out of it and these two delivered. Combining the ring wit and the chances these two like to take, they delivered a highly entertaining match-up on this night at ROH. It really is a shame we didn’t get more of these two at the WWE level.

Tommy End and Chris Hero vs Drew Galloway and Johnny Gargano Evolve 55 2016

This match started off as an all-out brawl circulating all over the gym they were in. The teams finally decided to take the action into the ring and war continued. This match is highly entertaining with vicious kicks to the face, elbows from every direction and beautiful drop-kicks galore. This entertaining event can be found right here.


Chris Hero vs. Zack Sabre Jr. WWN Supershow: Mercury Rising 2016

In a near 30-minute bout Zack Sabre Jr. and Chris Hero go toe-to-toe in on of the best matches that could be seen at WrestleMania weekend 2016 in Dallas, TX. I was fortunate enough to be at this match and I was very impressed. I knew about both wrestlers but I had never seen them. For the first time seeing these two live, I left quite impressed. The match was fun, exciting and hard hitting. This match was the conclusion of Zack Sabres tour of the “Best In The World Challenge Series” and it was a doozy.

Jay Lethal vs. Noam Dar — WCPW Built To Destroy Part 4

Jay Lethal puts his Ring of Honor title on the line against a WWE Cruiserweight Classic competitor Noam Dar. This match is excellent in taste. Noam Dar is an exciting talent to see and Jay Lethal proves why he is one of the best Champions in the business period. Check out this bout in its entirety below.

Thanks for checking out these five matches and come back for some more in the future.

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