2017 — A Year of Bests in WWE


2017 was as an awesome year for World Wrestling Entertainment in my opinion. Just like any other year, the wrestling entity had its ups and downs, wow moments and easily forgettable moments. It is the year that the Undertaker retired, The Shield Reunited, Kurt Angle returned, Goldberg fought at Wrestlemania, The Bar was set and much, much more. Here is a look at of the bests, a list of tops if you will.

205 Wrestler of the Year

While this easily could of been the likes of Neville, a man who made the division mean something and wrestled his guts out to make the divison look good, he suddenty went AWOL and has since not been seen or heard from. His strange divorce from WWE has led to another choice. A guy who has a big mouth and seemingly never shuts it, Enzo Amore.


Enzo Amore finally found something that worked for him. His in-ring abilities are still coming together one day at a time but what he brings to the table is simple — attention.

His ability to work the mic and the crowd are udeniable and comparable to any of the best on the mic in all of WWE. His presence in the 205 division is bringing that division what it needs most, attention.

Inspirational Wrestler of the Year

Goldberg was a seemingly easy choice for this award. At 51-years-old Goldberg was no shell of himself, instead he looked just like his younger self. The man was shredded and he admittingly worked his body to death so that he could look his best and did he ever. He gave fans one last look at the man that he once was and yes, he still showed what he was capable of at the end of the day.

Manager of the Year

If it isn’t Paul Heyman then who else could it possibly be? The answer is no one. Not a single manager has really touched the incredible ability Heyman possesses as he consistently makes his “client” look, sound and feel unbeatable.

Heyman is the obvious choice.

Most Improved

The Miz somehow seems as if he could contend for a number of spots on anyones list of bests. For 720 it ends up being most improved. The reason is because his in-ring was the best it has ever been and it was consistently good for all of 2017. The Miz had entertaining and interesting matches and at the end of the day he mad the Intercontinental Title finally mean something.

Match of the Year

The Bar truly raised the bar amongst the tag-team division in 2017. They very well may of had two match of the year worthy matches but their can only be one. In this case it is their match against the Hardy Boyz at the inaugural Great Balls of Fire PPV.

It was an Iron Man match that was very memorable for both teams. The Hardy Boyz were coming off a great rivalry outside of WWE and continued their tradition of greatness as soon as they got to the WWE again. The Iron Man Match finished with Cesaro and Sheamus winning 4–3 and it is 100% worth the rewatch.

By the way, the other match you should watch is The Bar vs Ambrose and Rollins at Summer Slam. Another fantastic display of awesomeness that leads us to this…

Tag Team of the Year

The Bar (Sheamus and Cesaro) were true to their name all year long as they set the bar and helped to reignite a tag-team division that has gone through many years of sufferage. On top of this they were in a number of top notch matches consistently through out the year and were consistently at the top of the tag division, one that had the likes of the Hardyz, The New Day and the Usos.

2018 should prove to be one of the best years period for tag-teams across WWE. I expect great things and after the reigniting of 2017, you should too!

Surprise of the Year

This one was a hot debate so at the end of the day it was only right to leave it up to the fans.

The surprise of the year is that time the Hardy Boyz returned at WrestleMania and walked away new tag-team champions.

Womens Wrestler of the Year

Alexa Bliss was a champion of champions as she held both womens titles for what seemed like the entirety of 2017. She was an absolutle chmpion and absolute class and is 100% the Womens Wrestler of the Year.

Male Wrestler of the Year

This was a tough decision because we really did have some serious contender this year. That lists of top tier male talent includes the Miz, Kevin Owens, AJ Styles, Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman and the fan favorite (lol) Roman Reigns but at the end of the day it came down to consistency of performances and for that it had to be AJ Styles!

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